Wide Receiver No Hills ( Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold x Qoup de Foudre No Hills )
at 14 months



photo Chris De Meyer

Wide Receiver No Hills ( Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold x Qoup de Foudre No Hills )
1st in Minor Puppy Class at the GRCB clubshow



photo Vincent Devos

Wide Receiver No Hills ( Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold x Qoup de Foudre No Hills )
Best Minor Puppy at 'Die Scone'




Wide Receiver No Hills ( Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold x Qoup de Foudre No Hills ) at 11 weeks





Wide Receiver No Hills ( Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold x Qoup de Foudre No Hills ) arriving at 8 weeks



photo Hans Blancke

Violette ter rode poort ( Angelonato Grandioso x Stracciatella ter rode poort )
Best Puppy at the Young Dogs Day of the Golden Retriever Club Belgium



photo Hans Blancke

Urielle ter rode poort ( Angelonato Grandioso x Stracciatella ter rode poort )
1st in Junior Class at the Belgian Retriever Clubshow



photo Hans Blancke

Victoria ter rode poort ( Angelonato Grandioso x New Wave ter rode poort ) at 3 months
2nd in Minor Puppy Class at the Belgian Retriever Clubshow



Renée ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x Olive ter rode poort ) CAC in Genk



Susie Q ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x New Wave ter rode poort ) at 10 months



Susie Q ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x New Wave ter rode poort ) at 5 months
Best Minor Puppy in Genk



photo Hans Blancke

Susie Q ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x New Wave ter rode poort ) at 4 months
Best Minor Puppy in Show at the Belgian Retriever Clubshow



photo Hans Blancke

Susie Q ter rode poort (Quarterback ter rode poort x New Wave ter rode poort )
at 3 months



photo Hans Blancke

Renée ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x Olive ter rode poort )
at 5 months



photo Hans Blancke

Renée ter rode poort ( Quarterback ter rode poort x Olive ter rode poort)
at 4 months




Quenelle ter rode poort ( Glitters Obsidian Butterfly x New Wave ter rode poort )




photo Hans Blancke

Double CAC/CACIB show in Gent
Quarterback ter rode poort Best Junior on Saturday
Best Junior, Best of Breed, Best Junior in Show and 3rd of Group 8 on Sunday at the age of 9 months!



photo Hans Blancke

Quarterback ter rode poort 3rd Best Puppy in Show at Brussels Trophy




Quarterback ter rode poort ( Maybe Forever The One and Only x May Day ter rode poort )
6 months old



Quiche Lorraine ter rode poort ( Maybe Forever The One and Only x May Day ter rode poort )



Quenelle ter rode poort ( Glitters Obsidian Butterfly x New Wave ter rode poort )



Limoncella ter rode poort: German Champion, Danish Show Champion and Brandenburger Sieger



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort CAC/CACIB, Best Bitch and BOS in Luik



photo Hans Blancke

Olive ter rode poort (Jackpot Noroy du Plessy x Icecream ter rode poort)
Best Puppy in Show at the Belgian Retriever Club Show



photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort RCAC/RCACIB in Genk



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort wins Open Class at the Brussels Dogshow




photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort RCAC/RCACIB in Luik




photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort CAC, Best Bitch and BOS in Lommel



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort CAC, Best Bitch and BOS in Wieze



photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort (CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort)
in Antwerpen



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort (CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)
in Antwerpen



photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort (CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort)
at the Young Dogs Day of the GRCB



photo Hans Blancke

New Wave ter rode poort (CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Icecream ter rode poort)
at the Young Dogs Day of the GRCB



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort (CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)
in Hoogstraten



May Day ter rode poort (Ch This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)

is now Belgian Junior Champion!



New Wave ter rode poort ( CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Icecream ter rode poort )

Best Puppy at Brussels Dogshow



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort (Ch This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)

Best Junior in Libramont


photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort ( J Ch House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort )

Best Junior in Mechelen and now Belgian Junior Champion!



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort ( CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort )


Moneypenny ter rode poort ( J CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort )

1st in Junior Class in Leuven



May Day ter rode poort ( CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort )

2nd in Junior Class in Leuven




photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort (J CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort)

Best Opposite Sexe in Luik at the age of 10 months



photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort (CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)



photo Hans Blancke

New Wave ter rode poort (J CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Icecream ter rode poort)

Best Minor Puppy



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort (CH This Will Doo van de Beerse Hoeve x Felicity ter rode poort)

Best of Breed in Genk at the age of 9 months



photo Hans Blancke

May Day ter rode poort



photo Hans Blancke

Moneypenny ter rode poort (J Ch House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Georgina ter rode poort)



photo Hans Blancke

New Wave ter rode poort (J CH House Calls van de Beerse Hoeve x Icecream ter rode poort)

Best Minor Puppy
3rd Best Minor Puppy in Show





Dirk and Martine Van Huele-Depuydt
Spanjaardstraat 47
8490 Stalhille-Jabbeke
Tel. 0032(0)50 811351
Mobile: 0032(0)498 542551
© ter rode poort




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